My Quest

I've walked the cemeteries far and near
To find the ones who are so dear
Spent countless hours in Washington DC
In hopes that in a record I'd see
That elusive relative, but some were not to be.

Hour upon hour has been spent
Sometimes without making a dent
Dark rooms, dusty attics and computer time
Always looking for that one line
With a relatives name I can call mine

My search is not done
One day will come
When my quest is complete
And I can say I am replete
And do so without defeat

Cathy Dugan

What started out as an interest in my husband's great uncle who was wounded in the Civil War at Cold Harbor and later died, has now turned into an obsession in finding many long lost family members. So, please join me in a journey into my past.

Graphics by Shawna



The Goddess Art of Jonathan Earl Bowser